Saturday, June 26, 2010

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi! My name is Caroline Mayfield. I would like to share my story with others who are in the same or similar position to myself. For over a decade, I have had infertility issues. About a year ago, my doctor told me one of my tubes was blocked and that IVF was the only option left for me to have a child. I was becoming quite desperate as I was going to be 39 next birthday. Also, I had an ovarian cyst that was causing me a lot of pain. My husband and I were not convinced the IVF procedure was the way to go because I have read some horror stories about side effects, the low success rate and pain involved with this procedure.

We started researching and looking for a natural alternative. During the next 6 months, we found several natural programs which were promising before we found a natural holistic system where I finally became pregnant after two months. I went on and gave birth naturally to my beautiful healthy baby at the age of 40.

After all the research and frustration looking for a natural system, all I can say my husband and I are so relieved that we didn’t go with the IVF program. For other couples in a similar situation as to where we were, I am listing the programs we tried and have rated them as follows:

Ease of Use

I hope you can learn something from me here and more importantly gain the same results that we have been blessed with our beautiful baby girl.

Pregnancy Miracle

This is the last product we tested.

My husband and I were still trying to conceive and it looked like it wasn’t going to happen. We had tried two other natural programs that were promising but still didn’t do the trick. Then one day a close friend recommended The Pregnancy Miracle. I bought the e-book, it is a guide of 200+ pages, plus 3 months personal one-on-one consultation with Lisa Olson, the books author. The major feature about Pregnancy Miracle is that it is customized to your unique condition based on the understanding that all our bodies are different. Pregnancy Miracle identifies our particular body types and targets all the different factors of infertility.

Lisa Olson, the author has spent 14 years of trial and error research into Pregnancy Miracle before releasing it to the public. Pregnancy Miracle is 100% guaranteed, has been clinically researched with countless hours of alternative holistic medicine and is based on ancient Chinese medicine.

I followed the step-by-step guidelines and within 2 months I finally became pregnant. My husband and I were overjoyed and our baby girl was born without complications.

I would like to thank Lisa for everything she has done for us.

My rating for her program:

Price:................4/5 Stars (Only slightly more than the other two, but well worth it in my opinion)
Quality:............5/5 Stars
Effectiveness:..5/5 Stars
Ease of Use:....4/5 Stars

If you really want to get pregnant, I highly recommend that you:
----->> Click Here and sign up for Pregnancy Miracle Today!

The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide

This was the second program we tried.

The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide was written by Laura. Laura focuses on a wide range of strategies to assist in overcoming infertility. One of the aspects which make Laura’s approach unique is the personal approach. She explains we are all different, and so, what works for you may not work for me. However, despite our differences, we do have many similarities. Laura makes it very easy to identify what will quickly work best for you.

Laura doesn’t claim to be able to help everyone, but she has discovered loads of secrets and techniques that you can use to help you become healthier, more relaxed and at ease with yourself and your partner - which will assist in you becoming more fertile.

There is a section in her book listing what types of food that will boost your body and increase your chance of fertility, and both foods and beverages that do the opposite. There are also some well written tips about regulating your hormones and increasing your reproductive functions.

I did not fall pregnant using Laura’s techniques, but I just think that it was my body as I can see how her secrets and techniques could work for some women.

I give Laura’s Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide rating as follows:

Price:................ 5/5 Stars
Quality:............ 4/5 Stars
Effectiveness:.. 3/5 Stars
Ease of Use:..... 4/5 Stars

Read More On The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide --->>> Click Here

Pregnancy Success Program

This is the first program I tried.

Diana Farrell is the author of Pregnancy Success Program. The book was written from Diana’s own life experiences and the program combines the best of modern medicine and natural holistic methods.

By combining natural cures for infertility, which include herbal supplements, meditation, exercise and diet many have found great success in getting pregnant quickly and naturally. Pregnancy Success Program also gives information on all aspects of overcoming infertility to give you the best chance to become pregnant. There is information on PCOS, endometriosis and how you can naturally clear blocked fallopian tubes.

Research has been done at Harvard University and in clinical trials in fertility clinics and found that Diana’s methods were indeed effective and useful in assisting couples overcome infertility. Diana states typically within three month you should become pregnant using the methods outlined in the Pregnancy Success Program. But Diana does state that for some it may take a little bit longer for some couples.

My husband and I tried the Pregnancy Success Program and is was unfortunate that I did not fall pregnant within the 3 months she said I would. Even though I didn’t conceive, I do see a lot of benefits in Diana’s methods so I am listing it here as a resource for others to look into further.

I rate the Pregnancy Success Program as:

Price:................. 5/5 Stars (This is the cheapest of the 3 programs I have reviewed)
Quality:..............3/5 Stars
Effectiveness:... 2/5 Stars
Ease of Use:...... 3/5 Stars

Read More On The Pregnancy Success Program. --->>> Click Here